Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 188 - Light in the Darkness

Yesterday Shelia Walsh's comment on Psalm 23, "walking through the valley of the shadow of death" and her insight about no shadow without a light to cast one, got me thinking.

When we are in the midst of horrible darkness, in one form or fashion, we seem to only sense the darkness.  We grope around without seeing, we feel overwhelmed by it, we allow it to permeate our being.  I did some soul searching about the darkest times in my life.  How long was I really in complete darkness or was there light and I just couldn't find it?  If I couldn't find it, why?

I say why because God is in us and He is only light and the brightest known in this world.  If that is true, and we know it is, than we can't be in total darkness.  There has to be a light somewhere.  Maybe it has to be activated.  Much like we have to turn on a switch in a dark room, once we do the light dispels the dark.

So then how do we "turn on" the light when we are in darkness?  I can tell you how I have done it.  Praise Him, glorify His name, be joyful.  I know you are thinking, "How can I do that in the midst of a storm so horrible I can hardly breathe?  During a time of severe pain or loss?  When my world is spinning out of control and my hope has hit rock bottom?"

Do it then, especially then.  Exactly then.  More then than ever.  The reason:  God is always with us and just waiting to be activated.  It is in our times of sacrificial praise, worship, acts of extreme faith He shows up in ways we could never imagine and do for us things we never could have dreamed possible.  He loves showing up and WOWing us.

Lord, I am so happy you are with me constantly.  I am never happy to go through valley experiences but I am thrilled You have been there for all of them.  I know in the future when times of testing, devastation, pain, and agony, You are my rock, my light source, my ever present help.  Amen

So as I wake from my nap I look around, night has fallen and I am a bit disoriented as to time of day. I feel fright and fear.  I struggle to find my watch in the darkness of my backpack.  I reach for the object, my flashlight, and turn on the switch.  Instantly I can see the contents of my bag and my surroundings.

I bow my head and thank God for His presence with me.  I am less fearful.  I look around for fire wood to build a greater light source, a means of warmth and protection from natures creatures of the night.   How amazing it is to be surrounded by the Lord in an unknown place, His love my light.  His light, provision for my journey.

The 'transformation' I am walking out is a slow one but the revelation is valuable for the future.  I think of a children's song I sang in Sunday School.  I grin as I lift my index finger to the night sky and point to heaven and all the stars twinkling overhead.  I sing, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."  How true, how true.  Shine Jesus, shine in my life.

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