Friday, July 3, 2015

Quiet time thoughts in troubled times

Indulge me to share some tidbits from a recent quiet time of mine.  Understand I imagine Christ as if He was sitting with me and we were sharing intimately with each other.  For these precious moments of the day the world goes away and it is He and I.   When reading the Word I look for and expect Him to bring boldface to any passage He is speaking to me, Rhema if you want the fancy term.  I have learned over the years to listen more and speak less. I have learned that listening for what Christ wants to impart to me is far better than what I have to tell Him.  And as is true in any relationship one learns more and develops deeper through listening. I offer this in the hope it will touch you as it did me.

I had become saddened by recent turmoil in our nation.  Observing the news, listening to others verbal opinions and watching actions taken or boasted about had become bothersome to say the least.  I wept over the issues at the forefront and wanted to know what I could do, or be, to help….if anything.  It was going to require some deep exposure of my own heart.

I became a born again Christian in 1974.  Life before this was ridden with heartache and trauma.  Some of what I have walked through has barely left me upright and has caused pain the depths most people will never know.  But through the years of developing my relationship with Jesus I have allowed Him to bring a level of understanding to my pain.  I sat one day with tears flowing like a river and proclaimed to Him I would steward the disappointments and destroying events that the enemy sought to use to silence me and turn it for good if the Lord would allow.  If even one person could be helped out of a pit of despair than every tear I shed and every heart stabbing pain I experienced would be worth it all. 

For you see describing oneself as a Christian, you know…a follower of Christ, claiming Him as Lord, holds one to a standard most have not really contemplated…deeply.  How do I know?  Because I have listened to verbal stones being hurled as if their definition of Christian meant they were judge, jury and executioner.  Actions beyond verbal assaults have left injured humans in the wake causing casualties to mount.  Some wounded, some destroyed.  This is NOT Christ like.

There is no way to live a perfect life.  Sin will abound.  The very Bible Christians use as their guide for life lists COUNTLESS, yes COUNTLESS actions, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors as SIN.  You can’t wake up and move through the day without committing a sin.  The most important part…there is no hierarchy of sin.  There is not one more grievous than another, not to God.  Yes it is man who is quick to list them in severity.  I detest my own sin.  I may not murder but I get angry.  Yikes, keeping it real. You now like Paul…struggling with what he wished he could do versus what he does do.

The hope we hold onto is that God made a way and Jesus paid the price.  I claim His blood shed on an old rugged cross as forgiveness and ask for Him, daily, to wash me when I stumble, fall, fail to live up to His name.  I can find myself bold and headstrong like Peter some days and demanding what’s fair like Martha on others.  But I long to be like Mary and sit adoringly clinging to His every word. 

I am not a gooey grace Christian either.  I believe in the wrath of God when evil abounds.  Life lived outside the bounds of the maker of the universes restraints carries correction.  The Bible is full of accounts where a very loving God “can’t stands it no more.”  There are ramifications to sin.  You know it.  Parents love their children but through that love they nurture yet teach with discipline.  Sometimes it smarts.  God loves us far too much to leave us in sin which leads to a place away from Him. 

Excuse me but He knit you from inception.  He designed you in His image and has a plan for you.  No matter what you think of yourself His thoughts, desires and purpose is greater than your mind can imagine.  He, I said HE, is the one who convicts the heart and transform the man.  Our part…….. is love.  Love when it is impossible, love when you don’t see how, and love when you don’t “feel like it.”  The one who causes your very heart to beat can show you how. 

Loving is the summation of scripture woven intricately through every movement of every person.  It is the action, motive, and attitude for living a Christian life.  It is commanded of us, yep COMMANDED. We need to stop taking a verse here or a chapter there and use it like a rolled up paper for spanking.  THE book, the Bible, is about learning to love, truly love each other.  Love is a drawing force.  It binds, heals, and pulsates life.  Love is the path, the journey, the direction, and the light. You are either on it or in a ditch somewhere and ditches lead nowhere.  All ditches do is breed despair, despondence, and death.

Please use the mouth the Lord gave you to speak life, affirm others, lend hope, uplift and encourage.  Ask yourself honestly if your words and actions are stones?  Remember you are not the judge.  Nope, no how.  Has there been and injury to your life that is coming out your mouth?  Think about it.  For years and even today in my own life this is the case.  I have to consciously evaluate the motive behind my words to really see where they are coming from.  Does your heart need mending?  Would you walk the path of love and spend time asking God to touch you?  He will….every time.  Surround yourself with others on the path and don’t wallow in the ditch.  As for me this is my prayer.

Dear Lord,
Help me to fix my eyes on you every day, stay true to your commands and be vigilant to love more.  Guard my heart and mind.  Let my mouth be an instrument of praise.  Forgive me where I have sinned and will in the future.  My desire is to be found faithful and so deeply in love with You that is spills out to others.  Thank you for the cross and it’s provision and promise for a life everlasting with You.
