Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 134 - Emotionally charged

Today was one of those days I never expereince very much but sure would like to.  I was able to visit with several people about my new job venture.  Each of them had really interesting things to share.  I was able to see God at work, positioning me in relationship for my endeavor.  Even though I don't know exactly what will transpire I know I am moving in the right direction.  I also have confirmation that what I am doing is in His plan for me.  Trusting comes when I open up my hands and ask him to fill them.  I am also aligning with Christ to have His mind on things instead of my finite brain with limited knowledge.

I am sure you can relate?  We think and plan but our thoughts are simply that, ours.  There is no way we can experience the magnitude of an infinite God.  Try as hard as you wish but never can you dream or have visions as big as He is capable of bestowing.

Reminds of when the angel of The Lord called to Abraham from heaven and said, " blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore..." Genesis 22:17.  Abraham heard this after being obedient to something many of us would never do, offer to sacrifice your first and only child.  But Abraham was so confident and sold out trusting God.  God rewarded him with a huge promise.

I want to be found with this much favor.  I have lived my Christian life to serve others and I am a giver. My heart is for the helpless.  I know how to praise in the storm and how to be grateful in drought.  I also know my God is a rewarder.  He is all powerful.  He says nothing is impossible.  I'm in to Him and in all the way.  Without Him showing up in my life everyday I am nothing, a vapor.  With Him, limitless.

Lord, my heart can't explain how I feel.  It just beats in harmony with yours.  Words spoken about me that have tried to damage my core have been repelled by the love and grace You give.  There are no human words to convey my feelings.  All I know is to keep praising You, thanking You and honoring You.  With every breath in my body for as long as I live let me reflect You.  Amen

So I am about to chose the path and I have several to pick from.  Each looks challenging but my gut is moving me in one direction.  I don't know where it will lead and what I will find along the way but with this first step I am off.  It doesn't take long for me to know I'm on the right one.  I saw a vine in the shape of an "S" laying in the sandy place adjacent to several flowering plants.  I reached down and saw the finger of my father as he wrote S, S, S on a paper.  I fell to my knees and wept.

A huge 'broken' area of my life had to do with the time my father told my children, in front of me, how selfish, self-centered and spiteful I was.  I was shocked he would enter my home, and speak this way in front of my adult children.  For years I have carried that triple S branding on my heart and wished it would go away because I never saw myself this way.

Then like a bolt of lightening a sound came from heaven, the voice I knew well.  "You are MY daughter and this "S" means sacrifice.  The sacrifice my son made on the cross freed not only you from sin but your father from the sin of not ever knowing his one and only daughter the way I do.  Take this as a reminder of this place, this path, and know the greatest treasures lie ahead.

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