Heard an interesting thing today and read some even more interesting scripture. It concerned watching what we say and choosing the correct words.
I'm sure like me you have found yourself regretting saying something. Either you were angry, frustrated or whatever and you spout off with a comment or harsh word and then wish you hadn't said it. Have you ever been so careless with what you said and to whom you said it you were embarrassed?
Well it happens to me most when I get angry. But I am learning a bit more self control. I don't want my words to hurt. It causes such a long lasting effect.
I know because I grew up with two parents who were masters at assaulting with words. They didn't need a knife to carve, the words did all the slicing and dicing. Both of my parents could fillet you wide open and then walk away as if nothing had happened, leaving you bleeding and emotionally dying.
Today in reading the word I saw in James where we are admonished to bridle our tongue. Then a few scriptures later I see the statement that the tongue is not able to be tamed. On first reading one might think they contradict each other but in fact both are describing exactly what is the issue.
Just like you can bridle a stallion and eventually break him, it is impossible to tame a horse who has not been successfully bridled and broken. But in the case of our tongue you can only bridle it. That means you can control it and guide it to correct action. It takes discipline and self control. What you can't do is tame the tongue. It is always subjected to bridling to stay our of trouble.
Lord, I am grateful You give us such great descriptions about how to maintain our Christian walk. Since the power to speak life or death is in our smallest member, the tongue, it is very important to know what we are asked to do. It is in your strength and power we can accomplish the task. Amen
Having reached the summit I decided to perch myself on a slanted rock face a few feet in front of me. The rock face was hiding the view from me. It would very carefully positioning my body in such a way as to get the entire panoramic view.
All the things that got me in trouble before I went on this journey are not issues here. Why? Because many of them had to do with how I reacted with others. While I am positioning my self with my camera on this resting place I am reminded how much I miss interacting with people. It is going to be really awesome to get together with family after this trip and share. But for now the vista awaits. Taking the lens cap off my camera I lift it to eye level and behold........sights I never thought possible.
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