Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 56 - Peace of contentment

This is a holiday weekend which means an extra day off work.  It is a time to get extra things done around the house or relax and re-charge.  In my case it was a bit of both.  I wonder why it is that people that work wish they had more time off and those that stay at home long for something to do.

It got me to thinking that it boils down to being down to being content.  We find ourselves throughout life in various situations or circumstances.  Being content has more to do with our mindset than it does anything else.  How about you?  Do you get disenchanted from time to time?

For me it is another 'broken' area of my life.  I find it hard to be content.  I am always looking for a better way to do something, another ladder to climb, etc.  I get so many ideas about different things to try that I make my husband dizzy with, "Hey honey, I know you are not going to believe this but I have an idea."  Good thing is that I don't act on all these ideas.

Lord, it is my heart to find contentment and peace for many areas of my life.  I want to really know the "rest" to be found in You.  Help me and my readers who struggle with this.  Amen

So continuing on after my Sound of Music re-enactment I ponder peace.  What is it really?  How can I get it and stay grounded.  I want that peace that passes all understanding, that guards my heart and mind.  So I pray.  I know that God hears and peace, like a river, is sure to flow soon.

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