Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 73 - The New Door

Like I said yesterday God doesn't close a door that he won't open a window.  In my case he opened another door.  My stepping away from Word Weavers was so very hard but a new opportunity to grow in my passion and vision happend today.

I was offered the opportunity to help lead and facilitate a new chapter of Orchid, a group I attend when I have free time around lunch.  I've been a member for several months and only attend sparatically.  With a new chapter, closer to my home and in the evening starting, I was eager to help out.

I love the founder and the other women in leadership roles.  I look forward to getting to know them even more and to open my life up to them.  I just praise God for how He is moving me.

How about you?  Do you have affiliations that you invest your time and talents in so that a vision or passion can thrive?  If so are you totally invested getting to know others and letting them know you?  Or is your involvement  more shallow?  Maybe its time to dive in deeper water and really invest yourself.  Somewhere.

Lord, help my readers to go deeper in their passions and investment of time with relationship building.  Help me to grow mine and be grown more by others.  Amen

So as I stand here on this ledge taking in with awe the majesticness of untamed nature. I take time to appreciae how far I have climbed and also how much more is still ahead.  I ready for another new day and new adventures on the remainder of the climb.  God is providing all the strength and inspiration I need.  Just a few more minutes here and then time for a deep breath and pushing on.

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