Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 76 - WOF, WOW

Having arrived home this evening from Women of Faith I am in spiritual overfill status.  This year more new changes in the format.  The two biggest changes were that the stage is located at one end of the arena instead of in the middle and Mary Graham wasn't there.  There was no drama and the speakers were split across the country.  There was a live band now and ballet dancers.  Many new things and a few unchanged.  Despite the differences the messages brought by the speakers were great!

The themes were: living fully alive, broken people, erasing shame, grace, going deeper with God, learning to seek, listen and trust Him.  All the speakers tied personal stories to their messages and the audience was moved deeply several occasions.  Overall the general message was how much God loves us.  That remains powerful stuff for everyone.

It will take me days to fully comprehend and get my take aways from this event but one thing I know with certainty is that I love God and am so thrilled that He loves me.  Now, like the journey in this blog, I want to know what He has in store for me.  I know there is more and I want to move in it.

Lord, I thank you that we live in a country where attendance at an event like this is possible.  We are a blessed nation and people.  Help my readers find their voice and then be obedient to follow You.  Amen

So as I go further along this trail I can feel the mist on my face.  I can see my body and feet but nothing else.  I slow down because the air is heavy with the moisture of this cloud.  I want to stop and crawl because I am not sure what is right in front of me.  I could be headed for a crevice or encounter wild animals milling about.  Then I take a deep breath and offer up praises to God.  I can feel Him with me and I have an reassurance everything will be alright.  So I keep moving ever so carefully.  I can't wait for the Sun to come out and be able to look up and see blue skies.  But for now I am trusting God and know He is my guide, protector and strength.

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