Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 77 - A Nano Download

For my readers who have not asked Jesus into your heart I will confess you are about to read a powerful thing.  My hope is that by being real, which I promised in this blog, you will come to know how much I love my redeemer.  I respect you as my friend and hope you will respect my complete vulnerability to share a great truth as part of my 'broken' journey. If any of it resonates with you please know, like me, you are not alone.

My pastor had some humorous moments in church today as he kicked off a new series, "The Lord's Prayer."  Now don't get it me wrong, it was a serious but not too serious message, (Gateway friends will get that.)  The humor that struck me also carried an insight that will forever change our family.  I was so thrilled at the ah ha moment that I nearly threw both my hands in the air and shouted.  Although verbal "Praise the Lord's" are acceptable, not in the middle of the sermon, in a very somber moment.  Instead, in my heart I confessed to God, "How could I have missed this for so long?"

My husband and I have been believers for over forty years.  We have experienced many things and heard many, many sermons.  We've attended bible seminars, conferences and bible study classes.  But when the Lord is ready to "in a nano second download" truth to you, it changes your life.  This event today in church did exactly that, the implications will be a game changer, (Gateway friends will get that too.)  Here is what happened.

Pastor Morris was talking about Jesus being the head over ALL principalities and powers.  This came on the heals of mentioning that the demonic will set principalities over cities, towns and nations with both territorial and familial tendencies also carrying strongholds under which they operate.  BUT in JESUS NAME we as believing Christians have OUR FATHER'S lordship as our authority to proclaim victory over anything that opposes Christ.  We exercise it in all situations where demons need to flee.  Before I get too preachy, how this affected me.

My husband and I have struggled in our marriage for the last several years.  The first few years were good but then little things started being annoyances and then some of them turned to major things.  Both of knew God had brought us together but we were questioning, "What is going on?  Why does there seem to be a wedge between us?"  Would anyone ever guess it could be a person, a child?  I sure didn't, until today.

We married in 2000 and in 2003 we adopted a baby, (another blog for another day.)  Everything seemed fine but slowly, a bit here and a bit there, we found ourselves in strife more than love.  The problem is that the enemy knew the power and love Ken and I held for each other and for those we ministered to.  I'm sure Satan was very displeased to hear we had not only found each other but actually bonded in holy matrimony.  It was going to take a sneaky, cunning way to gain access to us.  Both Ken and I had seen our share of devastation and we both knew all too well how to "kick butt and take names" in a heavenly sense.  But Satan, the liar and thief that he is, devised a way into our lives that we never suspected.  A baby we took into our home at 8 weeks old.

This baby girl had suffered drug addictions while in the womb.  Because her biological mom was living on the streets, subjected to horrible situations the likes we  shall never know fully, it can only be imagined the demonic residue to which this developing child had been exposed.  Since the pediatrician was amazed at how "normal" she appeared Ken and I praised the Lord for his hand of protection.  We didn't think about chasing out demonic strongholds or oppressive spirits.  This little girl is now exhibiting behavior issues and concerns, which have very slowly appeared.  Her doctor said it was "just her age."  Convinced it was more we have sought counseling.  We have tried everything short of pharmaceutical meds.  But today I received from the great physician a supreme prescription.....intense elevated prayer along with taking authority over my child, my marriage and my home.

Lord, I thank you that as believers we can hear your voice and obey.  It is good to know that in Jesus name all things bow.  As a mother and wife I take hold of that authority and profess that demons will flee and the peace, love and joy of the Lord will flow in greater measure in my child and in my marriage and my home.  For all my readers, I ask Lord that You provide what they need.  Salvation for some, healing for others, a bold "kick the devil out" for others.  I am praising You.... forever. Amen

So as I gently emerged from the misty cloud on this mountain I gasp.  Before me in panoramic splendor are mountains reaching higher still.  It dawns on me that 77 days ago when this journey began and I was laying in a beautiful meadow. The mountain I decided to climb seemed a challenge but worth the trip.  Had I seen the elevations that are in front of me now, would I have started the journey?  Would I have said, "That is impossible?  I can't do it?  It is going to be too hard?"  Maybe, and this 'broken' journey would have been delayed or never attempted.  But I did lace up my boots, stood up and started forward, up the path, committed to spend 365 days going wherever He leads.  I'm not looking back, can't anyway I have passed the tree line and the lowest hanging clouds.  It is up, it is onward.  As a lone eagle soars nearby I gaze, me eyes close and tears trickle down my cheeks.  God's reminding me of my favorite passage of scripture, I can hear it loud in my heart.
     "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God on Him I lean and rely and in Him I confidently trust!  For then He will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and the deadly pestilence.  Then He will cover me with His pinions and under His wings shall I trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler." Psalm 91:1-4 Amplified Translation.

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