Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 78 - People

People, people, people.  Can't live with some of them and can't live without some of them.  They are in your home, work, grocery store, doctor's office, bank and post office.  They sail past you in cars and holler next to you at sporting events.  They are everywhere.  Since we are not on a deserted island as a sole inhabitants, people are going to be everywhere we are.  Some we will like, maybe some a challenge.  Some will becomes great friends, others mere acquaintances.  Some we will love and others not so much.  Some will help us and others will hurt us.

The point is that with relationships we must invest something of ourselves.  How much is totally up to us.  We may give 95% to our marriage but maybe only 20% to our work associates.  You know how you size up the people in your life.  Consciously or not everyone has a place on a scale of 1 to 10 as to their importance in our life.  How much time we devote to them is reflected in our value of them.

The problems occurs when we value a person highly and they value us lowly.  Issues are bound to erupt.  Can you think in your life where these have happened?  I can and in every case my carnal man wanted to prove to them that I was worth being evaluated more.  But you can't force people to like you, respect you, and in many cases be decent to you.  Everyone comes from hurtful areas in their lives.  Playing out in their relationships are all the wounds from their past.  Ours too.  It is very important to remember that God views them and us all the same.  Wouldn't it be good if we could too?

Lord, I ask that you help me and my readers to work on the relationships with people on our list that need help.  As we offer them to you to move in their lives we are also positioning ourselves to be blessed.  May no one feel alone, rejected without a friend.  Amen

After watching the eagle soar and dive and rise and soar some more I knew that God desires to be our protection.  He also desires us to help others along the way.  Don't just pass someone by without greeting them.  When someone calls, call them back if you can't take the call.  If you get an e-mail that needs a response of acknowledgement, please do so.  If you find yourself in strife, end it fast.  Above all be to others what you want them to be to you.  It's the rule, the golden rule.  I'm sizing up the course ahead.  Which way to go?  I move forward and desire to keep going straight.  It won't be long and this experience will be over.  I want to have learned much in my time with God.  For sure I'm learning how valuable people are to me.

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