Today after uploading the next section of my curriculum I spent a few hours getting the Wicks Christmas Family Letter completed and in the mail. I try to have it done each Dec 1st but this year I have been a bit busy. It was nice to recount all we have done in the past year. Time sure flies by.
After dinner and a bit of reading time with Nicole before her bedtime I found a few minutes to get this installment ready for posting. I wish I could say I got some huge insight from the Lord today but not so. Today was a quiet day.
Lord, I am so thrilled to be getting things ready for this new business venture you have placed in my path. I am committed to do it with all the enthusiasm you have contained in me. I know it will fail without You and so I lean on Your wisdom for content, application, and most of all the people You have waiting to be in the class. Thanks is a simple word for a huge heartfelt joy. Amen
Traveling down the path is calm and peaceful. Not to much in the way of scenery here. I am just happy to be descending for awhile. I see off the path a very tiny pine tree but it is a perfect miniature of those seven foot tall trees I would remember in the corporate lots around the holidays. I can't help but wonder what it would look like all decorated. I take time to pause and gather a few things. I pick a few berries and gather some flowers from the ridge to my left. I bent down and started arranging them on the branches. It looks too cute. When I was done I stepped back and took a picture. All I can say is the memories from this journey are going to make for an interesting wall arrangement.
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