Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 166 - Who are you on the Trip?

Today I had an appointment with my massage therapist because I had been having some neck pain.  After getting my writing done I was in need of a release of some very tired muscles.  While I was there my therapist gave me her take on life.  It was good so I asked if I could borrow and blog about it.  She said, "Sure."  So I offer the following for you to mull over.

When you go on a long road trip there are many different people along on the trip with us.  There is the three year old who is strapped in a car seat, anticipates arrival but complacent knowing the driver will get him/her there.  Then there is the adolesent who is constantly asking, "Are we there yet?"  Then there is the nagging wife who keeps checking the map and argueing about the directions the driver has chosen.  Believe it or not everyone arrives at the appointed destination but some are more flazzled in the process.

So who are you?  Are you the child, going along and being quiet for most of the trip.  Are you the adolesent who is impatient and wants it over with.  Are you the nagging wife?  Not content with the road traveled and looking to divert the course at any time.

Lord, I am more than happy these days to be the three year old and let you navigate me the way you choose.  I am totally in Your hands.  I can say it is peceful and restng.  Amen

So as I am poking along I prayed.  I asked God which way I go from here.  I know whatever path he selects the climb will be full of neat expereinces He intended for me.  I've resigned myself to not be impatient or bossy along the way.

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