The big day arrived. I wish I could say it started with thrills and excitement. For the kids, yes but the adults not so much. We had barely gone to bed and the reindeer hoofs had hardly cleared the roof when one child awoke and asked if it was time to get up. This constant "it is time yet" kept up from 1:30 to 4am when the other chidren were awoke and the festivites could not longer be held off. It took several cups of coffee to get the adults bleary eyes open enough to focus on the gifts and better yet the camera lens for capturing their glee.
All in all it was a good morning and everyone got a special something and then some. By 5:30am it was time to head back to bed for some and move into breakfast mode for others. A quick check of the weather showed sleet and snow headed our way so we quickly packed up the car and headed for home. Wanted to be home before the roads got bad.
Lord, celebrating your birth is indeed a time of uncontainable joy. Knowing what this means in our life is without words, exciting. Thanks is simply not enough but offering my life for You to rule over is the least I can do. Amen
So after getting back on the trail I walked a bit further and listened. I did hear it, but where was it coming from. I could see a small section of trees to the right and down a small hill. I walked toward the crying. As I approached I could see a lady, her back toward me. She sat cross-legged. In front of her pictures lay. I decided to not intrude, keeping a safe distance. Her crys turned audible as she prayed. I bowed me head in reverance and to be an agreeing partner to her petitions.
"Oh Jesus I give my family to You. I have done the best I could but it seems it was not adequate. My children don't respect me, are easily annoyed, frustrated and angered at things I really didn't think was upsetting. I suppose things could have been done differently but I felt it is too late to correct. Now I pray for the children and their children. May God bless them. May another generation never feel the torment of what I feel. May it die here with me."
I was horrified. I feared she was about to take her life. I was trying to think how I would intercede and prevent this tragedy. Then before I could move in her direction I saw the most fascinating thing. She collected the pictures and......
To be completed tomorrow.
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