Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 154 - Power Of Jesus the Rabbi

Today I spent a few hours digging into scripture and learning more about Jesus and how he lived in his own period of time and in his region.  It is very different to study how Jesus lived when it is very different from the western culture in which I live and have lived all my life.  It is fascinating and very enlightening.  I can honestly say there are a few things I am going to put on my list of scripture enhancing study.  One is to dig further into Isaiah 61.  The other to study the Old Testament more so the New testament references are easier to understand.  Memorization will be key too.

Lord, I want to learn more about the culture in which you lived and really understand my Hebrew nature.  I may not be Jewish but my learning of this people will help me know myself better.  I am so thankful for scripture and what it tells of Your story and mine since I am grafted into Your family.  Amen

So just a few more turns in the path and I will be a the base.  I am grateful for the ability to climb and descend but even more grateful for the healing of The Lord in my life.  Every chance to be with Him like Moses at the burning bush is anticipated and valued.  Praise The Lord.  I am your daughter and committed to You and Your passion for my life.  I want to be like the Rabbi of all Rabbi's, Jesus!

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