So this morning was time for one of my three annual exams, the OB/Gyn. No I am not pregnant, thank heavens. It was an uneventful exam which was a good thing. I feel so much better when I can getmy routine things checked off the list for another year. One down and two more to go.
After getting home it was back to work at my computer putting more into the programs I have been developing for work. I will be so happy when I can see the final product and better yet, people start enrolling. I am trying very hard to stay hopeful and without anxiety. But I'll be very frank, I have been about everything else, I am scared. I want to see income starting. I want to stand faithful on the Word of God that He will not let me falter or fail. I am doing all I know to do and need God more now than ever. I pray every day for Him to show up in a powerful way. Without Him I will fail and that is not an option.
Lord, help me to stay grounded in what You have spoken. Keep my eyes from venturing into things of the past, attempting to help You out. I am holding tightly to You and need a sign, a piece of hope to show me things are headed in the right direction. Amen
So while climbing higher and higher I feel a bit uncertain as to where this path is headed. I am counting on God it is headed to the correct destination. I am too far into it to turn and try another path. I heard The Lord say go here so I am being obedient. I now need Him to show up. I need a sign. Confirmation. Please Lord help my belief to grow stronger.
The air is getting thin and my mind is racing. I could always slow down but that would delay my getting to the end. So instead I keep forging ahead. I am on the watch for a burning bush, a cloud like a pillar, an angel to visit me. Something, anything. Please.
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