Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 28 - Discernment please

I have to admit that in the past I struggled with hypocondrism.  My mother was the queen when it came to excessive worrry and fear about every ache and pain.  I have leaned on God to help me not have this rule my life.  So just before I started this 'broken' blog I experienced an unsettling feeling in my chest.  I was determined that it would "go away" but here I am about 6 weeks later and it is still a nagging issue.  So much so that this week I will be calling the doctor to see what is going on.

Keeping it real I have had a few bouts of fear and worry press in on me.  I had a cardiology appt six months ago and was told I have a strong heart and slight palpatations I was experiencing were nothing to be concerned about.  So I'm headed to my GP and see if they can determine the issue or if I'll need to visit the cardiologist again.  Brother, what a hassel.  I don't have time to make alot of appointments.  I am not comfortable in the doctors office anyway so it is just a bit unnerving.

How about you?  When the body talks to you and it is obvious that something is wrong how do you react?  Are you calm?  Do you fret?  Do you run to God for discerment and healing or is the first reaction to call the physician?

I've done all the above.  So this time around I'm trying very hard to be comfortable in how God leads me.  Hopefully it is  nothing severe.  No matter what my doctor tells me, my great physician is always consulted first and with me constantly.

Lord, help my readers and myself when it comes to worry, fret, dread, fear when it comes to health, finances, employment, etc.  Help us to be in constant connection with you and listening to your discernment.  Amen

So stay tuned.  As I climb the mountain it looks like I have a slight detour ahead.

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