I have enjoyed these few precious days with my new friends from Italy. It has been fun to learn about each other, the different cultures, the mild language barriers and beautiful similarities. But one thing is the same for us, the love of Jesus and wanting more and more of Him.
When I look back at the many 'broken' places in my life I praise God for the journey I am on now. I know that there is more freedom I have yet to experience. But every experience, like anything of worth, comes with a price.
Tonight we were talking about how the experiences of our life is what brings more of God's revelation. Those experiences can be pleasant and good or they can be hardships. But either way we usually don't get a forewarning that we are about to have an experience. How we go through it says something about our character. How we respond and use what we learned is our testimony of God and His power. Since we are relational beings our whole life is built on experiences and they were meant to be shared.
Take a look at your life. Can you see the experiences that have been allowed into your life? Can you testify to how you came through? Have you offered them to God as a means of service to your fellow man? Are you committed to allowing God the free reign to control your life forever?
Lord, please help us grow from all of our experiences. As we take an inventory of the circumstances we have found ourself in help us see how we grew stronger, gained knowledge, developed a passion or opened our heart of compassion for others. Make us Your instruments. May our lives be a symphony with You as our conductor. Amen
So traveling along the mountainside I come to a burned out campfire. The wood is ashen and I know that the fire has only recently been snuffed out. I walk to the edge of the pit and kneel down. As I move my hand above the logs I see a flicker deep inside the middle log. I lean forward and blow gently in the direction of the small glowing ember. Gradually I see a fire begin again. As I reach to put some twigs atop the blackened wood I watch as the flame grows bigger. I bow my head and praise God. I praise Him for searching my heart when I am weary looking for that small spark. He then takes His hand and encircles my heart while His Spirit gently blows life-giving power. Then He gives me an experience to face so the flame can burn again.
I thank God that on another mountain Moses approached a burning bush and brought forth the commandments that have shaped all of our lives. May my heart always know consuming passion for Jesus and my life constantly reflect that flame like a beacon for others.
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