Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 49 - Application of the Word

I love Sundays.  It is a time when I can begin my day with the Body of Christ.  We gather together and experience corporate praise and worship, a teaching from the Word and then a time for prayer.  Today was another great day in the Lord's house.  But what happens Monday-Saturday?  How do we apply the Word to our day to day life?  Or do we at all?  Do we hoard it to ourselves, thinking it will do a work in us and never share it with others?

In my work life I teach software to dental offices.  One way I know that a person has learned what I have presented is for them to demonstrate the application of the principals.  If they can I know that they will be successful and not get frustrated.  If however, they can't then we have to demonstrate the technique again.  It really has alot to do with how engaged the people are when I am teaching them.

Similar with the Word of God.  We can hear a great message, but it will all be for naught unless we apply what we learn in our day to day life and share with another.  It is all about taking the Sunday and making it Monday through Saturday.  Look for ways to be Christ extended to others.  It isn't difficult but it does take time and energy.  It means we have to be unselfish.  We must look to see where God has placed us, who God has placed around us and then what does God say to do?  The reward is satisfaction and blessing.

Lord, we are a people that can get very busy and fail to spend as much time as we would like in communication with you.  Show us how to apply Your Word to not only ourselves but also to others. Help us take the life giving Word and use it daily.  May we experience the power, tansformation and love you so freely gave.  Amen

Standing on the cliff and admiring the beauty of nature is cool but even better is touching lives with the power of God and watching lives change.  It is being a part of the glorious manifestaiton that we will see when we are actively involved and not just spectators.  It allows us to see the 'broken' mended and restored.  It is time to get on down the path and give out while I'm being given to.

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