Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 47 - People in our Lives

I had a full day today.  I was visiting with a client who I discovered while doing a internet search about speakers.  I came across a website that listed various speakers in my profession.  I had told my boss that this year my focus was on achieveing another profession designation.  Next year I wanted to improve my speaker platform so I could be used for seminars and conventions.  When I found a person in my backyard, literally within 10 miles of my house, who was a speaker I decided I would pop by his office and introduce myself, ask for any indeas or suggestions that could help me as I proceeded to tackle these two goals.

Arriving at his office I was met by his wife that works with him.  He was not there but I introduced myself and the reason for my drive by visit.  She mentioned she would tell him and I left not really sure if I'd hear from him or not.  When he did contact me we visited about several things.  He mentioned how he had been trying to meet my boss for some time.  He wondered if I could arrange a meeting.  I was able to arrange a time and my boss invited him to come to the office and speak at the next meeting of all our staff.  It just happened that he also agreed to be the first guest speaker at a new study club I was forming at my office.

I say all that to say this, how often do you consider the people in your life?  How much attention do you give to who is in your close circle of influence? Are they acquaintances or are they there for a very specific reason?  I believe that people don't just happen in our lives.  I believe in divine appointments.  If we take better care to evaluate why for those around us I think we can see paths of purpose. I ask God to help me extract wisdom and/or revelation from those that seem to "just happen."

Lord, help my readers to seek out your plans and purposes for the people in their lives.  If they are unsure what a person has to offer them, give them insight.  I thank you for bringing people into our lives at the appropraite time and place to effect in us what You fashion.  Amen

So journeying on I am watching to see if I encounter people and what their role is for me.  Are they a helper?  Are they a motivator?  Are they an encourager?  Am I something to them?  I have no doubt that as God brings healing to me in all the areas of my past life He is going to reveal the why of a specific person in my life at a specifc time.  Wow!  God is so good.

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