Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 51 - Growing

I am in the process of reading a book my Pastor wrote and recommended.  I'll be honest, as I am in this blog anyway, the title did not make me want to rush and buy.  Since I love to read, and boy has that been a miracle since I was a child and a whole other story, I asked my husband to purchase it for me.  I have not gotten very far into the pages but have already targeted many key points worth spending time in prayer.  The one especially playng over in my mind so far is this, "embrace growth but pursue health."  (Taken from the book, The Blessed Church by Robert Morris)

Not only is this a spiritual principal but a law of nature.  Unhealthy things don't grow.  They may begin but ultimately can't continue.  So looking to improve and maintain health is critical for real growth.  I saw this 'broken' journey in a whole new light.  In order for God to heal, repair, renew, and grow me I must first be healthy.  For me that means getting my heart furtile, removing anything that doesn't speak vibrance to my Spirit.

How about you?  Are there things in your heart that you know are contrary to health?  Have you failed to tend to the soil?  Is it time to set the plow to work and get the ground rich in nutrients - love, peace, kindness, gentleness, etc.? 

I know for me I can think of a few right away that lurk there. The first one that comes to my mind is a critical eye.  I really never thought it mattered whethered it was totally gone. I have the tendency to be more critical of people and situations than I should.  My perfectionist personality drives me to be better, attain more, strive higher while at the same time I am critical of situations and people that seem "lazy."  Ouch!  Reality confession looks really bad when you have to put it out on paper and the internet blog.

Lord, please forgive me.  Take the force behind my unhealthy heart and show me how to cultivate a new soil.  Help me to be rid of those negative and unhealthy attitudes.  Holy Spirit reval to my readers unhealthy portions of their heart. As we see things in our lives that are sapping life, help to restore health.  We want to grow but we don't want a harvest of pain, agony, disappointment.  Amen

Sitting at the fires edge I can imagine my unhealthy issues being tossed into the flame.  It is there that once consumed I am ready to start fresh.  Jesus gives us do overs and am I ever grateful.  His love is right here in this moment showing me and you what needs to go.  I am excited that in His timing I was able to fan the flame in preparation for the offering.  God you are so good!  Join me and let's have a bonfire.

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