Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 104 - Moving On

So moving through your days can sometimes seem robotic but if everyone looks and listens they are sure to see something of importance.  Maybe it is a new person you meet.  A situation you have the keen eye for resolving.  A word that is timely for someone in need.  A tender gesture for someone lonely.  Every day offers us the opportunity to be blessed or be a blessing.

Today I called my son and wished him a Happy Birthday.  I spent time with my grandchildren after our family attended the play our daughter made her acting debut in.  I was probably more nervous than my daughter even though she had a mini meltdown and was crying before the play started.  Her other cast mates rallied  around her and she did just fine.  Whew!  Just having a leisure day is nice when you are surrounded by those you love.

Lord, it is so nice to have days that are relaxing, no deadlines, no rush to get somewhere.  Just enjoying being with the special people in our lives.  I praise you for my wonderful family.  Amen

So as I head closer to the base of this next mountain range I am in awe of the beauty before me and all the challenges this climb will present.  I am grateful for the time of rest.  I am glad for the new friend I met here and pray that her life will turn around.  God has a plan for her heartache.  He is great at using our 'broken' stuff in a way that is beyond our imagination.

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