Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 91 - Big News

I'm pregnant!  Before several of my family and friends freak out, not in the traditional sense.  Over the next nine months, and the final portion of this blog, I'm going to deliver 50 pounds.

As I mentioned a week ago, one of my 'broken' areas involved my weight.  There is no way I could complete this year and be healed without addressing something that occupies much of my attention.  I have gained and lost over the years, watched family gain and lose.  I have talked about excuses, reasoned why not and then retreated to myself; miserable, unhealthy, sick and tired of where I am.

So today it changes.  210.8, yep I said it.  My goal: 158.  It is not an unrealistic goal.  52.8 pounds to be exact in 36 weeks.  1.46 pounds per week.   Very achievabe and now I'm held you, my readers.  How am I doing it?  PA LE O.  Why Paleo?  Because I know that carbs in the form of grains are like poison to my body.  When I eat them, I crave them.  I can never get enough.  I'm also erasing soda from my beverage acceptable list.  My water consumption is going to increase.  Lastly....walking, walking, walking.  When I feel ready to add other forms of exercise I will but first it is beating the street.

Don't worry I am not turning my blog into a daily meal recitation and exercise log.  I will update on Sunday only, weigh in day.  Please pray for me.  Please join me if you feel God leading you.  I want to hear from you so we can encourage each other.

Lord, I thank you that in my process and that of my readers one of the most 'broken' areas we face is when our body weight gets out of proportion.  It not only affects our health but our emoitonal self esteem.  Today I give You in totality my body and ask You to guide me, strengthen me and reward me as I exercise discipline.  Amen

Climbing the first ridge of this mountain range was a challenge both physically and emotionally.  Now as I am descending the going gets a bit easier.  But before me is the next range, higher, steeper.  My stamina is going to improve as I physically transform.  Bring it on.

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