Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 87 - Who you are

Well today I happened to pull up behind a vehicle that had twenty-four stickers on the back window and panels.  I had time to scan them enough to get a flavor for who was the owner.  They loved animals, Obama and mother earth.  It was an eclectic variety.  I would have guessed the owner to be a young person, say mid twenties.  Nope the driver was an elderly lady who could barely see over the steering wheel.

It got me thinking though.  Outward verbal expressions do speak for you.  They let others into your head and allow for assumptions about your personality to be formed.  This can be good or bad.  If you are a bumper stick fan or those other emblems I hope you are conveying your heart.  Better yet, how about nothing and just say what you mean and mean what you say.

I have a huge problem with Christians when they are so far as to put the Jesus fish symbol or the Darwin getting eaten symbol on their car.  Then there are tons of us who wear crosses and some are bigger than a dinner plate.  How about those WWJD bracelets?  All of it doesn't mean a thing if your life can't back it up.

Lord, help us all to speak our heart and then set a great example for the world to see.  May we not get caught up in signage and instead let Your light be shown through us by actions.  Amen

I think it is time to begin my trek again.  It has been emotionally draining here by the stump but I know God is working some deep issues to His satisfaction.  I am yielded for that and obedient to continue the healing process.  I wait before leaving to mentally capture the picture of this place.  It is so peaceful.  The calm in the air is wonderful.  I know it will get harder as I go on but I've learned to take it one step at a time.  I'm reminded of my favorite scripture in Psalm 37:4-5, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to Him and He will direct your path."  Thank God I have a great navigator.

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