Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 94 - The Fall

Ever did someting and wish you could have a do over?  Yep, we all have.  It happened to me today.

I was at an office doing some training.  When we completed, the office staff started putting the furniture back in its normal position.  I had to turn off my equipment so I decided to sit back down and do it.  Only problem....they had moved the chair I was sitting in.  You can picture the rest. I went tumbling onto the floor and in not a graceful manner.  It all happened so fast I don't know what hurt more my physical body or my pride.  I felt dumb and wanted to go back and do that over.

The great thing about our spiritual life is that when we make mistakes God is gracious to allow us to do over, and over, and over.  He longs for us to keep trying.  If we fall it matters that we get back up and keep going.

Lord, help the pain in my physical body but also help me recover from feeling awful that it happened.  Keep me and my readers in your safe protection and when we stumble and fall, even literally, we know we can get back up and keep going.  Amen

So as I am about to the base of this mountain path my toe caught a rut and sent me tumbling, end over end.  When I finally landed I could tell that nothing was broken, but bruises would appear for sure.  I sat for a minute, bowed my head and asked the Lord for his healing and strength.  I must remember to watch my step and be caeful.  I slowly rose to my feet, dusted myself off and keep moving.  We rise and fall but we keep moving forward.

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