Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 92 - A New Thing

Today I was in my car for work over eight hours.  It was one long, exhausting day.  I don't know if you are like me but I find it hard to think correctly when I am tired.  When I got home I just wanted to rest and then felt guilty that I should be doing something.

I have given more and more thought to what I should do about the many ideas floating in my mind.  I am never at a lack for ideas, many of them good.  Just need to know which one to focus on.  I know I have talked about this in another blog but feel it is really important if everyone gets pinpointed what they should do and then sets out to do it.

For now it is time for more prayer and then waiting to hear God speak.  This has to be the ultimate goal of everyone if we are going to live truly blessed and happy.

Lord, please bring more clarity to myself and my readers as we narrow in on what should be the focus of our life.  There are tons of things in the world screaming at us for our attention.  It is critical to hone in on Your plan for us.  Amen

Hiking down a mountain never seemed so much fun.  The breeze was soothing and the pep in my step was exhilarating.  I know that some neat things lie ahead and so I am watching for a new adventure.  I know that surrounding the new thing will be healing for a 'broken' old thing.  That is fine with me.  The Lord is near so it will be alright.

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