Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 18 - To the Test

Well I'm writing just before heading out to a huge corporate meeting for our region.  It promises to be excellent and tons of great information.  I'm looking forward to seeing people I've not seen for awhile and to meet others I have yet to meet since being employed with my company.  I also get the opportunity to practice....submitting to authority.  Yepiee!

Now don't get me wrong.  I am good when it comes to most authority.  It seems my hardest  struggle is when I know that I'm correct and the other view is just plain ridiculous or not appropriate.  I tend to get a bit stuck in my way.  Keeping it honest here, I lock my feet and dig in.  I try not to come off uncompromising because I will for the sake of agreement but not if I know it is not correct, moral, ethical or legal.  I have a moral compass and when it senses error I have signals that go off like sirens on a fire truck.  I jump on the defense and this is where I get in trouble.

So I am going to practice my authority surrender and try to go with the flow.  Like my favorite character from the movie "Kelley's Hero's," Donald Sutherland....."I don't want to go making those negative waves."  I am going to practice quiet and speak when called upon.  This is not a time for me to have a grand idea that has to be brought before the group.  Wow, doesn't this plan sound awesome?  Let's see if I can walk it out.

Have you ever been like me?  Felt you had to say something even when it goes against the grain of the majority?  As timid and shy as I was in my youth I have morphed into quite the contrary.  Have you?  Well I know I'm not alone in this but I also know that God wants us to be a reflection of him.  He wants us to get out of the temple overturning the tables of the money changers and mingle meeting the needs of humanity.

Lord, go before me this weekend and station your angels around me as I gather with my work associates.  Help me to shine like you, not be an embarrassment, be your hands and feet where needed and keep my mouth shut.  Help my readers who are struggling with this.  It can be very debilitating and we want a radiance that causes people to feel peaceful in our presence.   Amen

So I'm geared up with the Word in me and a passion to bring the kingdom into lives when and where I can.  So here I go.  Wish me luck and prayers appreciated.

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