Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 21 - Sharpen Hearing

I loved today's message at church.  It was about Saul and his conversion process. Most importantly about Ananias.  On 'hearing' a word command from God, 'go and heal him', he went.

The statement made by Pastor was, "your hearing gets really good when you can't see".  Wow, great since as Christians we know we are to walk by faith not by sight.  It seems no matter what sense the human body is without, other senses make up for in a keen way.  So when Saul was blinded on the road to Damascus he needed to be led around, into town and to a house where he could be alone to pray and hear.  He would wait for an obedient messenger to come with healing.  His hearing became acute.  This had to happen before the man Saul, later Paul, went on to write most of the New Testament.

I think of how much we need to spiritually be blinded so that our faith can take us where we won't go due to how we perceive things.  We see and then we fear and the battle has started to get us to give up.

I was determined to not give into fear for this in depth word study.  I know that God has a plan and trusting Him to guide me, protect me and heal me is part of the overall end result.  If I was to fear what might be exposed or what I might have to deal with in my past or present I never would have started.  Especially not on the internet for the world to read.  God will no doubt reveal private things, circumstances, events, mistakes, disobedience and less than charming attitudes.  But in order to become a person of purpose and destiny will require the expulsion of things blocking fruit from growing.

This is real and I am no different than you, my reader.  We all stumble on the path of life.  No one is perfect.  Grace is needed new every morning.  My hope is that as I get into the nitty gritty of my life you also will deal with areas of a similar nature.  I want to hear from you if this helps, if you find an answer to something you have been seeking.  Just having another person to understand where you are, what you are going through and how to live in freedom is priceless.  It's community, relational and how we were meant to live with one another.

Lord, please help us as we lean into hear you.  Spiritually let us see with your eyes, not ours.  Take away the things that keep us in bondage to fear.  Show how small victories can propel us to even larger undertakings.  Amen

So as I continue my trek I'm hearing along the way.  I am committed to doing what I hear the Lord saying.  I want to be found faithful to execute orders at His command, without discussing the validity of how to get it done.  It is losing control, in a good way.  Speak Lord for your servant is listening.

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