Monday, July 9, 2012

Day One, Introduction and WORD selection

After reading Debbie Macomber's book, "One Perfect Word" I decided to begin a one word study.  The idea is fantastic!  I have no idea where the next 365 days will lead, the insight I will gain, the stories I'll share or the people I may meet along the way.  My desire is that others will engage with comments, stories about how this touches them.  I would hope that others might find that one word to study for themselves.

Trying to pick that ONE word to spend 365 days studying was no easy task.  I prayed and pondered. I looked back at my life and tried to find a common thread.  In the selection process I encountered three references to Nehemiah: from a book I was reading, a sermon and from a home group discussion.  I felt this was no coincidence so I read through Nehemiah in the Bible. His heart grieved for his people and the destruction they were experiencing in Jerusalem with walls broken, a city in despair.

I had it.  My word was right there.  BROKEN.

The destruction of the walls of Jerusalem, while a physical representation, are symbolic of what we experience in our own lives, due to adversity, pain, abuse, etc.  It was the common thread.  The crumbled pieces were meant to be restored, the place where healing, rebuilding begins.

As I seek restoration in my own life and long to minister that to others with the power of the Holy Spirit, it seemed a fitting place to start.

If you are hurting and don't know what to do, or you are struggling with indecision and confusion, or you are at your wits end and ready to give up.....hang on.  Join me as we learn about BROKEN and then the blessed peace and joy that come when restoration takes shape.

Let me pray for this journey....

God I ask that you show me over the next year your heart for everyone experiencing  brokenness.  Do a redeeming work in myself and my readers.  Bless each one with all that you have for them.  Amen

Let's begin...thanks for coming along.

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