Well I am happy to report that in the corporate event this weekend I was very successful in not speaking at inappropriate times and accepting authority without conflict. To be honest there were no times of clashing authority. The presentations were excellent and highly motivational. I am excited where our company is headed and the great team of partners we have on our team. We are positioned to be able to present the highest quality predicts and services for dentists. I could see that the same passion I have for my career was translated by every partner that presented to us. That is refreshing.
For me it has always been about the 'why' which was repeated many times this weekend. The why you do something is hugely important. If you don't know the why for what you do in life you simply won't be able to stay the course of life. The why is what keeps you keeping on when there is adversity, struggles, hard times, disappointment. For me I am very proud that dentistry has been my 'why' for over 30 years. I began when I was a single mom of four children under five years old, living with my mother and existing on WIC supplement checks and food stamps. Those were hard times. If you would have told me then that I would be in a career over 30 years later enjoying some huge success and with a very impressive resume I would have not thought it possible.
I look back at a very 'broken' young woman age twenty-four, divorced (twice) by the same man, four children under five years old, no higher education and minimal clerical skills to offer the job market. She resigned to live with her mother due to no job and the only income a welfare check of $264 a month. She could have moaned and moped around about a hard life but not the case. People described her as full of zeal and with a zest for life unseen considering her circumstances. All it took was a good friend to recommend that she interview for a soon to be vacant receptionist position at a dental office. Risking everything and knowing that the job would not pay more than it would cost for daycare she went for it. She got the job and her passion for self-improvement took off. She reached for the next step, raising the bar for what she wanted to accomplish, never settling for what job was in front of her. Wow, that is passion fueled by drive and determination.
How about you? Are you working at a job that you love and seek ways to keep raising the bar? Or are you moping around, discontent, just surviving? I hope you are using the fuel of passion to push yourself to be more, do more, strive to be the best and better everyday. I have and I do and I always will. I'm not through raising bars. On this journey, come along with me and raise your bar a notch.
Lord, I pray that you will help me keep reaching and that you will bless my readers. If they are stuck help them see that passion and ignite it again. For those that have little hope may they remember the girl who thirty years ago was almost overtaken by some harsh circumstances but instead met the world with zest. Give it to us all Lord. More Holy Spirit zeal! Amen
So traveling along today I'm kicking a few pebbles, singing a tune and gazing in wonder. I am remembering where I was, excited at where I am but raising the bar for where I want to go.
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