Friday, July 13, 2012

Day Five, Taking Off

I survived my long yesterday in two airports and a full day of training.  Getting home and to bed late caused me to wake-up a bit late.  I had to hurry to the office for a presentation during my company staff meeting.  Little time for solitude in prayer, so as I did what we all do much of the time.....prayed en route.

After leaving you yesterday with me in my boots and ready to begin this journey I asked God why the hiking analogy.  I have never longed to trek up a hillside let alone a mountain.  But I keep seeing this as that type of journey.  So I'm going with it and you are all along for the experience, step-by-step where he leads me.

The first thing I saw at my feet was this very green, manicured grass, no flowers.  This is a bit confusing to me, only grass because I would love to see a few flowers.  (The kind in a vase are especially nice, hint hint if my husband is reading this.)  But for as far as I can see on all sides there is only a very calming field of unblemished sod.  In the distance I see a rise of what resembles a range of elevation.  The range disappears into the low hanging clouds.  Probably a good thing.  If I could see the top I'm sure I would be hesitant, scared and trepidatious.  I can feel my heart beat a bit faster.  With every step I take I am leaving behind the comfort of this level ground and its beauty and the ease to my gait.  Pushing forward I breathe in and out while praising God for what all lies in store.

I hear the Lord telling me and the Holy Spirit is reassuring that I am in the best hands ever.  Going in reverse is not an option.  I'm committed to this process and to lean into everything.  So I raise my head, look forward not behind and take off in the direction of what I see on the horizon.  There is nothing broken here except the sojourner.

Lord, please hold my hand and speak to me daily as I undergo what you have determined is for my good.  Please keep me from growing weary, help my heart to be strong and full of belief when I am tempted to give up.  Bless my readers who are along on this journey.  If anything or everything I experience helps them I give you all the glory.  Amen

Here's to the travel, revelation, healing and growth.  I have begun and there is no retreat.  I can do this!

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